Style with FN Sourcing
House: 67 (1st floor) Road: 06
Sector: 12, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
Phone: +8801714958479
FN Sourcing > Message from Chairman

M.M.Mahmud Ullah

FN Sourcing

Message from Chairman

A pioneer and an entrepreneur who has experienced in all aspects of business formation, operations, finance, and management in his past 25 years journey at this industry. A creative product developer with deep knowledge and practical experience. A great motivator & trouble shooter at every stage with his inventive solutions.

Prior to founding FN Sourcing, the founder had a long-time experience of working with some of the leading manufacturer at this country. He creates the base for them and stablished a strong network with his skill & talent. In fact, till now the manufacturers are successfully run their business with the same customers, brought in by him.